shift boot installation guide

Looking for a Acura Legend shift boot? We offer the best ones out there!



1. Remove center console compartment by pulling up and out. Remove both screws underneath to loosen the console piece.

2. Lift center console panel out by carefully prying the edges up and gently pulling it loose from the clips. Pull it up and remove the screws in the metal frame holding the shift boot to the base. Lift the panel up and over the shifter to set it out of the way.

3. Unscrew the shift knob counterclockwise - the shift boot should turn with it as it unscrews. Count the number of turns the knob takes to fully remove, and write the number down, as you will need it again to install later.

4. Grasp the shift boot at the chrome ring and gently pull apart from the shift knob to remove. This is a friction fit, so sometimes it takes a little bit of slight twisting to get them apart.

5. Notice that there are two parts that are integrated into the original boot: (1) the chromed plastic retaining ring that secures the shift knob; and (2) a rectangular wire frame sewn into the base of the boot. Both of these pieces will be reused with the new shift boot.

6. Measure the four sides of your existing shift boot from the chrome ring down to the wire base. Note these measurements also, as they will be needed to install the new boot. If the distances are too short, the boot will tug on the chrome ring while shifting, causing undue stress on the boot material, and can even pull the chrome ring off the shift knob.

7. To remove the chrome ring from the boot, gently invert the boot (like turning a sock inside-out), gently clip the cable tie, and remove the funny shaped rubber band. Then, at the bottom of the boot, gently snip the threads that hold the wire frame inside the boot edge to remove the wire frame at the base.

8. Assembly is pretty much the reverse of the removal process. A couple of points are worth noting, however. First, be sure to add about 1/4" to your shift boot measurements to give a little extra room and prevent pulling. Secondly, the wire frame can be tricky to snake through the seamed edge. It helps to use a lubricant such as WD-40. (Or, if you prefer, you can use four pieces of new wire from a common coat hanger cut to length.)


9. The rubber band that came off the old boot has a thicker section with a notch in it. This notch goes over the end of the wire tie and will smooth out what would otherwise be a bulge in the boot from the wire tie end when the boot is right side out. Once the boot, chrome ring, and wire frame are assembled, the rest is simply a matter of putting it all back together.

10. Attach the boot base to the center console piece you removed with the metal base, using your original screws.

11. Pull the top of the boot through the console piece and snap the piece back into your console, pressing down firmly on all sides to seat it flat.

12. Screw your shift knob back onto the shifter rod, using the same number of turns it took to remove it. Then, snap the top of the new boot together with the bottom of the shift knob, and you are finished!



Useful tip

You have installed a product made out of genuine leather. As you know, to maintain a leather product in good condition, you should take care of it. We suggest occasionally (every 4-6 week for example) applying some leather conditioner/UV protector to keep your leather from drying up in the sun and cracking.

Redline Automotive Accessories Corp. will not be held liable for any labor, incidental or consequential damages of any kind. Proceed at your own risk. 

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