shift boot installation guide

Looking for a Geo Tracker shift boot? We offer the best ones out there!



1. Remove the 5-speed shifter knob from the shaft by unscrewing the knob (counterclockwise). Pull off the rubber accordion 5-speed shifter boot (if possible).


TIP: Shifting the 5-speed to neutral will make these steps easier.

2. Remove the 4WD knob by removing the set screw (on the rear of the knob). Remove the 4WD shifter boot (if possible).


TIP: Shifting the 4WD to neutral or 2L will make these steps easier.

3. Remove the pictured screw (one on each side) from the shifter console.

4. Remove the console. If you could not remove the boots in Step 1 & Step 2, do so now.


TIP: Notice that while there are no screws on the rear of the console to remove, there is a tab which fits under the drink holder console.

5. Remove the (4) screws from the boot base plate. You will likely have to cut the carpet & pad away to access all four screws.

6. Cut away the lower-middle portion of the intermediate boot. Be careful not to cut or damage the lower/inner boot (the boot which protects the transmission).

7. Remove the (8) screws from the boot base plate. You will likely have to cut the carpet & pad away to access all four screws.

8. Insert the screws from the base plate (4WD) into the new respective boot. The screw holes in the new boot will look too small, but they’re meant to be that way. Don’t be afraid to use force to push the screws through the holes. It will not damage the boot.

9. Screw the screws back into their respective holes. You may have to stretch out the leather a bit to get the screws into their holes. Don’t be afraid to use some force – the leather is very strong.

10. Attach the 5-speed boot to the 5-speed shifter knob by reversing the boot (inside out), and fastening the boot to the knob with a hose clamp (as pictured). After fastening the boot with the clamp, reverse the boot right-side-out again.




11. Screw the new shift boot same as you just did with the RWD one in step 9.



11. Affix the “Sticky-Back” Velcro strip to the shifter console collars as shown.


12. Reinstall the center console by reversing the steps undertaken to remove it.


LIFT KIT ONLY - Attach the 5-speed shifter boot Velcro to the matching console Velcro.


13. Reinstall both shift knobs (on the 5-spd and the RWD stick).



Useful tip

You have installed a product made out of genuine leather. As you know, to maintain a leather product in good condition, you should take care of it. We suggest occasionally (every 4-6 week for example) applying some leather conditioner/UV protector to keep your leather from drying up in the sun and cracking.

Redline Automotive Accessories Corp. will not be held liable for any labor, incidental or consequential damages of any kind. Proceed at your own risk. 

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